The Darker Side of Me by Nicole Eglinger

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The Dark Side of Me: Rogue Vampire Saga #1

Nicole Eglinger

 Genre: Paranormal, and Erotica

Date of Publication: August, 2016


 Pages: 313

 Word Count: 88,515

 Price: $3.00


Book Blurb:

Aleksander Strafford born in 1894 in Edinburgh, Scotland a 28-year-old vampire in modern day San Francisco, Ca fleeing his homeland to stay ten steps ahead of his and his sister’s maker Dante’ Vladimir Razvan that Aleksander just so happen to have killed his only sister Isabella Nicole Razvan in 1924 and has been running ever since.

The year being 1997 Aleksander followed his new love interest Avery Jean Michaels a human woman from NYC to San Francisco that he has claimed for his own. Avery a 32-year-old Director of Cultural Museum of San Francisco. After years of following her anonymously in the shadows keeping a protective eye on her never revealing himself that is until now.

With the San Francisco vampires all worried over a new prophecy involving Aleksander’s and his human and son now Avery’s seems to be in more danger than perhaps Aleksander’s clutch can handle. Trying hard not to have all of San Francisco’s vampire erupting into chaos over a said prophecy he dismisses it.

Unknown to Aleksander and Avery the further they fall in love with each other the prophecy comes to fruition. But falling in love with a vampire may not be all it’s cracked up to be.

Available at Amazon and BN

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The Darker Side of Me is not your typical vampire romance. It’s based in modern day but has ancient origins dating back centuries. Nicole Eglinger creates a believable vampire society that has been established for long period of time. Dante’ Vladimir Razvan is portrayed as an excellent supervillain. The main character Aleksander Strafford is a very complex character. He is mysterious, charming, deadly, and loving. In beginning he loses his sister and runs away from shock. He makes his way to San Francisco to find a new love interest Avery Michaels. Aleksander stalks her for a while. He reveals himself when the time is right. Avery falls madly in love with him. She works as Curator. Her character is very mature, and vulnerable in other ways. They have a son together. Which is very unique to this particular vampire romance book. Usually, in other vampire novels the male is never able to impregnate the women of his dreams. It also makes The Darker Side of Me more compelling to read. When everything seems to be going smoothly, and without a hitch. A prophecy comes to light in the vampire society of San Francisco. It involves the two love birds, and his son. Aleksander blows it off as a speculation and non-issue. As the pair’s love continues to swell. The prophecy the vampire society predicted becomes more believable. I love that the characters are older and not teenagers. I recommend The Darker Side of Me to a mature, paranormal romance, and vampire loving audience. You will find it a thrilling read!



First, I want to thank Nicole Eglinger for doing the interview with me. Read the interview below and found how intriguing she can be.

  1. What is your writing process? My writing process is I play zen/Native American flute type music and light a candle helps me to concentrate on my writing.
  2. Who are your largest author influences? Danielle Steele, Diana Gabaldon, Richelle Mead, Stephen King
  3. What is your favorite book? Outlander (Diana Gabaldon)
  4. What is your latest news? Currently, I’m working on Book Three to my Popstar Lover Series. I’m also working on a historical romance The Storm through the Highlands!
  5. What are the five things people do not know about you?
  6. Control Freak 2. I have rewritten chapters many times 3. I love to Travel 4. Going to be a Grandma for 1st time in Sept 2016 5. A small town girl
  7. What genre do you write? Erotica Romance, Paranormal Romance, Historical Romance
  8. How do you come up with characters for The Darker Side of Me? Actually wrote this story many years ago before Twilight. Actually Avery is a spunky, intelligent lady, independent I fashioned her after a friend. Alexander after a handsome Swedish actor I admire.
  9. What are your favorite characters in The Darker Side of Me and Why? Avery is my most favorite character because she is fiercely devoted to the ones she loves the most.
  10. Is there a message behind The Darker Side of Me? Yes, actually everyone deserves to have a second chance to hold on to what is important to each person. Also don’t be afraid to accept your whole shelf.
  11. Why did you pick the title The Darker Side of Me? Actually, picked the title after the Alexander character because he tries for so long suppressing his darker side.
  12. Why did you decided to write about paranormal romance? I’m a huge fan of paranormal romance stories and I wanted to try my hand at writing a paranormal romance story.
  13. What is about the The Darker Side of Me that intrigues you the most? Love vampire stories I love that in the stories when Avery finds out Alexander is a vampire even though she is scared she accepts him for who he truly is.
  14. How many books do you read a year? At least 100
  15. What is the last book you read? Taken By The Huntsman (Mistral Dawn)
  16. What is the hardest part in writing The Darker Side of Me? The emotional parts very hard and it’s very draining on me.
  1. How long did it take for you to The Darker Side of Me? I believe it took 8 months to write.
  2. Do you have any children or pets? If so, do they distract you, or assist you with writing? I have 4 grown sons and three cats. My sons don’t live with us anymore.
  3. Have you travel for your book, if so where? No
  4. Do you have a day job, you would be comfortable sharing? Do you have any good stories about your day job, you would like to share? No my writing is my day job!
  5. Do you have a muse? Yes, Les Eglinger (husband) If you do, what do you love the most about him or her? He is so very loyal and loving and is so very supportive of my writing career he even reads my books. He also helps me pick out book covers.
  6. What are your next writing projects? Finish Heart of Hearts: Popstar Lover Series Book 3
  7. How can fans reach you directly?
  • @PoetGirl37
  • @BookLoverNikky
  • Official email:

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Purchase “The Darker Side of Me” at Available at Amazon and BN

About Mary Sage Nguyen

Author, Dreamer, and Book Enthusiast! You can reach me at
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2 Responses to The Darker Side of Me by Nicole Eglinger

  1. Thank you again for another great Author interview!!

    Liked by 2 people

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